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February 9, 2022 - Letter to the Community

Dear School Community, 

New Brunswick Public Schools has completed this year's comprehensive testing of water sources, including those in all facilities utilized by students.  

As you may be  aware, in response to COVID-19, our school district has created the New Brunswick Public Schools Safe Return Plan.  As part of this plan, drinking fountains and many other drinking water sources have been taken offline.  This decision was made in an effort to reduce the potential for transmitting COVID-19 through high touch points such as drinking fountains.  Additionally, having these locations offline may reduce the likelihood of groups congregating. 

During the period when water sources are offline, recyclable water bottles are being provided in ample quantities for both students and staff.   

Because several water sources are offline, the number of water fixtures being tested is much lower than previous years. In general, the sources tested were locations where water bottles would not provide a suitable substitute such as kitchen/food prep equipment, ice machines, and nurse’s offices.

Of the 72 locations tested, none had readings above the acceptable limits.  Click here for the current water testing reports. 

We will continue to test our water sources on an annual basis, despite State regulations that require testing only once every three years.  This level of attention to the district’s drinking water highlights our commitment to the health of our students and everyone else who consumes water in our schools.

As a reminder, children are far more likely to come in contact with lead at home than at their school.  If you have concerns, I recommend that you discuss the risks of lead poisoning with your healthcare provider. 

Thank you,
Dr. Aubrey A. Johnson
Superintendent of Schools