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February 28, 2020 — Update

February 28, 2020

Dear Lincoln Annex School Parents/Guardians, 

I’m reaching out to provide you the latest information related to the Lincoln Annex School. During the February 25th Board Meeting, the New Brunswick Board of Education adopted a resolution authorizing an update to the District’s Long Range Facilities Plan. This update recommends the replacement of the current Lincoln Annex School with a new school to be constructed on a different site.  

To be clear, updating the long-range facilities plan is simply one step in allowing the Board to continue to carefully assess all options and opportunities related to this ongoing process. As a next step, we’ll meet with parents, appropriate staff members and professionals to review two potential sites (50 and 131 Jersey Avenue) and select the replacement for inclusion in the Long Range Facilities Plan.

Certainly, I’ll continue keeping you posted. I want you to know that my primary focus, and that of our Board, is improving educational outcomes, while serving the best interests of our students and the city of New Brunswick. 

Thank you,


Dr. Aubrey A. Johnson 
Superintendent of Schools 


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