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Enrollment Information 🏫

Enroll in nbpschools – kickstart their education in New Brunswick!

New Brunswick Public Schools is processing student enrollment online for the 2023-2024 school year.
We are excited to prepare, empower, andΒ inspire your family!

K-12 Registration

K-12 Registration​ Inquiry
Please use the button above to access the registration survey and submit information to enroll in New Brunswick Public Schools. A district staff member will contact you afterwards to make a phone appointment to fulfill your registration.

 If you have any questions feel free to email us at or contact us at 732-745-5300 ext 3205. You may also call the Office of the Superintendent to make an appointment.

Please, make sure to have the following documentation for your appointment:

  • Proof of custody/ Parent's picture ID
  • Student's Birth certificate
  • Proof of custody/ Parent's picture
  • Proof of residence (signed lease, current utility bill, tax bill,
mortgage statement, water bill)
  • Student Grades/transcripts/transfer card
  • Immunization records
  • Household Income Information

Pre-K Registration


Preschool registration information may be provided to parents/guardians by calling the Early Childhood Education Department at 732-745-5300, ext. 4060.

Should you be interested in registering your 3 or 4 year old child(ren), you can provide us your information in the registration survey. Please note that your child must be 3 years old on or before October 15th and you must be a New Brunswick resident. Parents/guardians who have children with special needs should contact our Pupil Personnel Department at 732-745-5300, ext. 3500 to inquire about evaluations and/or eligibility.

Parents are also able to download the registration materials located on the Early Childhood Registration website and email the completed forms to

HSE/Adult Education Registration

The New Brunswick Adult Learning Center provides classes for adults in our community to:

  • Develop your basic academic skills
  • Earn your High School Equivalency diploma
  • Learn English as a Second Language
  • Study to become a United States citizen
  • Develop your workplace readiness skills while preparing to earn certifications from the National Retail Federation

You may fill out the ALC registration survey below. For more information on the program offerings, please visit the New Brunswick Adult Learning Center website.


NOTE: Classes are currently full. You may fill out this form to be added to our waitlist as soon as the Adult Learning Center is accepting more students.