September 9 - School Dress Code
September 9, 2024
Dear Parents and Guardians,
As we continue to monitor cell phone usage and maintain the values of respect, discipline, and a focused learning environment, I want to highlight the importance of students adhering to our school uniform dress code, as outlined in Board Policy 5518. We ask that you ensure your child is wearing the approved uniform each day, which includes:
Shirts/Outerwear: White, blue, light blue, or district-logo apparel
Pants/Skirts: Khaki or blue pants and skirts
These uniform guidelines are designed to ensure that all students come to school properly dressed, establishing a consistent standard across our school community. Following the uniform policy not only fosters a sense of belonging but also removes the social pressures tied to fashion trends, which can sometimes lead to unnecessary distractions.
We appreciate your continued support in reinforcing the uniform policy at home and ensuring your child is properly dressed for school. I am providing a link to Board Policy 5518 (click here). If you have any questions or need further clarification about Board Policy 5518 or the uniform requirements, do not hesitate to contact the school principal.
Thank you for your ongoing partnership in fostering a positive and productive environment for our students.
Thank you,
Dr. Aubrey Johnson
Superintendent of Schools