The P-TECH Model

  • The P-TECH model is intended to strengthen student's academic and technical skills within STEM fields by providing rigorous coursework that aligns with current industry needs.
    New Brunswick P-TECH offers students many benefits:
    • A high school diploma
    • An opportunity to earn an associate's degree in Mechanical, Electrical or Civil Engineering from Middlesex College
    • Internships with potential for future employment with our partners: Jingoli/DCO Energy, CGI, and Europastry
    • Opportunities for mentoring
    • A pathway to a bachelor's degree

Grades 9-14

  • Students enter P-TECH in grade 9, begin dual enrollment courses right away, and gradually work their way through the attainment of an industry-recognized associate's degree. Students can graduate with both a high school diploma AND an associate's degree in mechanical, electrical or civil engineering within 4, 5 or 6 years, depending on the student. While all students move through the same sequence of courses, the timing of their progression through the course sequence varies. Students who meet the proficiency benchmarks for taking a college course sooner could move through the program at an accelerated pace and finish in less time, while students who need more time to meet the benchmarks will receive additional instruction to master the necessary prerequisite concepts.

    New Brunswick P-TECH has no prerequisites or testing for admission and is committed to graduating all students within six years with an industry-recognized associate degree. The curriculum is designed to help all students develop the skills and knowledge they need to graduate high school and earn an associate degree — regardless of their level when entering the program.