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New Jersey Student Learning Standards in Mathematics:

In 2015, the Common Core State Standards in Mathematics (CCSSM) underwent an additional review in New Jersey.  In May 2016, the New Jersey State Board of Education renamed the standards in the adoption of the New Jersey Student Learning Standards (NJSLS).  These standards consist of Standards of Mathematical Content and Standards of Mathematical Practice. The content standards are a balanced combination of understanding and procedure where the practice standards are habits of mind and ways in which developing students increasingly engage in mathematics as they grow in mathematical maturity. The NJSLS provides guidance and direction, and helps focus and clarify common outcomes.

Click here for the NJSLS in Mathematics for Grades K-8 and High School:

Scope and Sequence in Mathematics:
Click here for the Scope and Sequence in Mathematics for Grades K-8 and High School:

Evidence Statements in Mathematics:

Click here for the Evidence Statements for Grades 3-8 and High School:

Advanced Math Courses