Dual Language Program
This program includes approximately equal numbers of ELLs and native-English speaking students and it is designed to help students achieve proficiency in English and in a second language while mastering subject-matter skills.
For example, ELLs who speak Spanish at home are placed in classes with students who speak English at home. All content classes are taught in both English and Spanish, and students from both language backgrounds become biliterate in English and Spanish (N.J.A.C. 6A:15-1.4 (h).
Guiding Principles
- This program will be housed at Redshaw School since this school already had PreK, Kindergarten, First, Second and Third Grade Bilingual and General Ed. classes.
- Kindergarten classes will be kept at a maximum of 21 students in each class. PreK classes will be kept at a maximum of 15 students in each class.
- The group of students selected for the Pre-K 3/4 and Kindergarten classes will form a cohort that will go up a grade level each year. This will continue until the students reach the 4th grade.
- Each class will consist of an equal amount of native and non-native Spanish speakers, if possible.
- Parental consent and commitment is essential.
- Any ELL student entering PreK, K, and 1st Grade will have the opportunity to enroll in the Dual Language Program if there is space and a parent requests it.
- Three parent nights will be held to inform parents about the program. One in August, another one in January and the last one in April.
Plan Components
- A survey will be conducted for Preschool students to determine interest and parental commitment. Parents will be provided with a survey to determine interest in a Dual Language Program. Based on survey responses, students will be selected based on a first-come-first-served basis. One of the main requirements will be for parents to sign a contract in which they agree to have their child participate in a Dual Language Program for a minimum of five years.
- All students in the Dual Language Program will receive instruction in both English and Spanish Languages on a daily basis.
- Two teachers for each class with a bilingual certification and ESL certication will be assigned to the Dual Language Program.
- PreK and Kindergarten classes will have 1 Bilingual and/or 1 English speaking K paraprofessional in each class respectively.
- The ESL teacher will push in following a co-teaching model during the English Language Arts block.
- Students in the Dual Language Program will follow the district approved curricula in both Spanish and English.
- Studnet will follow a 50% Spanish + 50% English on a rollercoaster schedule (if a student ends the day in Spanish instruction, they begin the next day in Spanish instruction)
- English Language Arts and Mathematics will be taught in English and Spanish Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies will be taught in Spanish.
Organizational Consideration
50:50 Model
In this model, the target language is used for 50% of the instructional time and English is used for 50%. At each grade level, the amount of instruction in English and the target language remain the same, as per the chart, below. This is considered a “simultaneous literacy” model, as the target language and English are focused on simultaneously. The skills are not re-taught in both languages, but rather are built upon.
Grade |
Target Language |
English |
PreK |
50% |
50% |
Kindergarten |
50% |
50% |
First |
50% |
50% |
Second |
50% |
50% |
Third |
50% |
50% |
Fourth |
50% |
50% |
Dual Language Parent Advisory Council Meeting
- February 17, 2021 Google Meet Recording